5 Things You Can Do to Feel Like Yourself Again ️
Taking a walk in the sunflower fields at McKee Beshers Wildlife Management in Poolesville, MD
Feeling like the world is upside down? Or like life is just feeling really "off"? Do you feel like, especially given quarantine/COVID-19, that you’ve lost some aspect of time and space? Do you feel disconnected from who you usually are?
You're not alone. Time for some grounding.
Here are 5 practical ways to ground yourself to get back to feeling more like you:
1) Plan
Take control of your time. Sit down for 5-10 minutes and plug things into your calendar that you need to get done, then plug in things you want to do! Plugging them into your schedule makes way for magic. I usually do this on a Sunday evening after dinner, looking ahead at what my work week would entail, whose birthday would be coming up, what I wanted to accomplish on my to-do list, and made a list of places I wanted to visit. I plug it all into my schedule, allowing frequent “me time”, and my work feels so much better with each day that passes.
2) Prioritize Sleep
If your nightly routine consists of checking your email before going to bed and tossing/turning until you fall asleep, rework your routine. Figure out what helps you unwind and start doing that an hour before bedtime. Adequate sleep is important, too! For example, I had a tendency to check emails around the clock. I also had disruptive sleep patterns at that time, too. I’d be thinking/worrying about work and what needed to be done. Instead, I decided to keep paper and pen next to my bed so I could “empty” those thoughts onto paper (out of my mind) to create a “to-do” list for the next day. I also stopped checking my email two hours before bedtime, watch videos that would make me laugh or relax before sleep, and now use a white-noise machine to drown out any sounds that might keep me awake outside. I make sure to get at least 7 hours of sleep, whenever possible.
3) Take a Hike
Get outside for some fresh air! Get your body moving (walk) and notice how your feet touch the ground, step by step. Walk the route you're used to taking. Get out of your head; get into your body. Add music, if you like. Run, walk slower, walk faster, whatever works best for you.
4) Connect/Disconnect
Connect with that which makes you feel more you. Disconnect with that which makes you feel less like you. Examples: Connect with friends/family. Disconnect with people who make you feel uneasy (at least temporarily). Connect on apps that bring you inspiration or make you laugh. Disconnect on platforms that bring you anxiety/anger.
5) Breathe
Breathing is easy, right? Most of us only take shallow-enough breaths just to get by! One of the best things you can do for your mind, body, soul, and spirit is to fill your lungs with air. Inhale slowly through your nose until your lungs are completely full of air, gently hold the breath for a few seconds, then let your breath out slowly through your mouth. Repeat this a few times in a row. I like to change things up with my breathing sometimes and take breathwork classes for mindfulness on YouTube. Check them out (just type “short breathwork exercises” in the YouTube search bar) and enjoy.