The Decision to Stay: Pre-Organ-Transplant Jitters

My heart started to beat a little faster and tears welled up in my eyes as I typed, "About to receive my new organ transplants at Fairfax Hospital! Just in case, I love you all!", and put the phone down. Never before had I indicated that I was sick publicly, nor had I felt like putting that on my page. Letting everyone know how I felt at that instant was more important than anything…

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community, lifestyle Liz Strom community, lifestyle Liz Strom

8 Unique DC Valentine's Month Experiences

Valentine’s/Galentine’s is around the corner! Here are 8 unique DC restaurant experiences and activities that you, your partner, and/or your Galentine will remember for years to come! From scrumptious sips + bites in stunning atmospheres to renewing your vows to luxury gifts to painting-the-town-red… there’s something unique for you to do in the DC area.

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feelings, lifestyle Liz Strom feelings, lifestyle Liz Strom

5 Emily in Paris Quotes that just make sense

We binge-watched Emily in Paris (Season 1) on Netflix last holiday season and loved how adorably provocative the show was. I couldn’t wait for more. From the fashion-forward outfits to the clever French clap-backs to our American ways, I was thrilled that Season 2 was released just two days before Christmas again this year! Again, we binge-watched the entire season and now I can’t wait until Season 3 is released! Netflix, please don’t…

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And Then Came Shang-Chi

In September 1991, my mom, who spoke no English, brought me from China to Illinois to reunite with my father. At five-and-a-half, I was in complete awe of the new experience and “meeting” my father for the first time— and equally oblivious to what this change would mean for my future. Exactly thirty years ago to the month, the dichotomy of what was to be the rest of my life began…

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lifestyle, DIY, House and home Liz Strom lifestyle, DIY, House and home Liz Strom

5 Tips on How to Keep Your Clothes Looking Their Best

I tried out the new Ensueño® complete laundry solution (the new Ensueño Liquid Laundry Detergent, Ensueño Scent Booster Dryer Sheets, and Ensueño Fabric Softener— #sponsored) and am excited to report back that it’s exactly what I had hoped it to be: effective with wondrous aromas. Ensueño makes my comforters, sheets, towels, and clothing smelling clean and immaculate.

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lifestyle, technology, wellness, career Liz Strom lifestyle, technology, wellness, career Liz Strom

Tips for Young People Who Want to Prepare for a Stable Financial Future

While it may not be the most exciting topic to explore, money management is something every young person needs to learn about. Research shows that the younger generations have a low rate of financial literacy. This can set them up for future financial disasters, such as ruined credit history or insufficient retirement savings. If you're…

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community, lifestyle, technology Liz Strom community, lifestyle, technology Liz Strom

ADT: Safety while on-the-go, not just for your home

Feeling safe when I'm out and about is my #1 concern-- whether I'm alone or with my daughter, husband, and/or BFFs-- SoSecure helps me to feel safer. SoSecure is a mobile app by ADT Security that helps me discreetly contact ADT so they can call 911 for me if I'm feeling unsafe. This app gives me peace of mind as I'm out and about. When you…

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lifestyle, career Liz Strom lifestyle, career Liz Strom

Yes, You Can Start a Business Without Taking a Leap of Faith

The virtues of entrepreneurship are well-known and oft-extolled. For one thing, you enjoy a great deal of flexibility and control over your day-to-day. For another, you can expect to be continually learning as well as exponentially growing as a person and a professional— and, of course, in profit. But even with all these likely perks, it’s not rare for one to approach the idea of entrepreneurship with a great deal of trepidation. After all, you could…

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lifestyle, community, wellness, health Liz Strom lifestyle, community, wellness, health Liz Strom

The Things You Need to Make Your Transition to Remote Work an Easy and Seamless One

Working from home has been a much-touted way of working since technology has made it possible, and its virtues have only increased in this, the age of social distancing. However, if you’re new to remote work, you may find that it’s also rife with challenges. Fear not, though, as there are ways to make this transition easy for you. Here are the things you should focus on.

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How to Be Anti-Racist

I stand in solidarity with the Black community against racism, hate, and injustice— and I know you do, too. You may have even said to yourself, “…but I’m not racist”. It’s not enough to be "not racist” anymore. We need to be actively anti-racist. As Will Smith so perfectly stated, “Racism isn’t getting worse, it’s getting filmed.” It’s 2020, we’re here, and now we (the people) need to do anything we can to be anti-racist…

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lifestyle, feelings, wellness, health Liz Strom lifestyle, feelings, wellness, health Liz Strom

Why We Can't Trust One Another to Do The Right Thing During This Pandemic

Here is a Facebook post I wrote a few days ago. The comments both assured me that others feel the way I feel, as well as made me very afraid for the world. My little microcosm of the world around me proved that, for the most part, we don’t have each other’s backs because we are not on the same page…

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