From Passion to a Successful Career
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From Passion to a Successful Career
Article Contributed By Chelsea Lamb, Business POP
It isn't uncommon for students to dive headfirst into a degree and then move into a related career without giving much thought to other career paths. That is, not until they have worked for a few years and realized that they aren't really suited to or happy with the job. If this feels too familiar to you, the good news is that it is possible to walk away from that job to successfully pursue your passion.
Identify Strengths and Weaknesses
Whether you are looking for a new career or starting your own business, it takes practicality as well as passion to meet challenges. One of the first things to do is create a list of your strengths and put those to work in your favor. Also, identify your weaknesses and be aware of those areas that need help. As Inc. points out, weaknesses are actually areas for opportunity, and with the right application, they can lead to career growth.
Get an Inside View
Before you quit your current job, try to get an inside view of the industry you want to join. You can get a feel for the work through part-time jobs and volunteer work. If you're still excited about the field, you can make important connections and develop valuable resources. If you've found that you aren't really as interested as you thought, you've avoided making a serious mistake.
Become an Expert Through Research
Your next step is to become an expert on the ups and downs of the industry. Your volunteer or part-time work experience can help you understand which skills to develop and which challenges to expect. Identify areas that should be improved and problems that you can help solve. If you’re considering your own startup, Profitable Venture notes that it’s particularly critical to do as much research as you can to get off to a strong start.
Learn the Business End
If you opt to develop your hobby or interest into a business, you will naturally have to do new tasks. In addition to becoming an expert about your passion, you also need to learn how to run a successful business. For example, start tracking how much you spend on the business and how much you're making. You'll also need to find space to work in and to store your inventory. Other things to consider include doing taxes, hiring assistants, and dealing with public relations.
Get Assistance
When was the last time you updated your resume? Shaping it into something applicable to your new goals can be tricky, but you might be surprised at how much you can glean from your experiences that is critical in your new field. For instance, the ability to work independently and with minimal supervision, a can-do attitude, and/or being skilled as a collaborator are all highly desirable traits that are important in a wide range of industries and roles.
If you aren’t sure where and how to plug in, seek the input of a freelance resume writer when you update your resume. Professional resume writing services can make your document really stand out while customizing it to your new industry. Before you hire anyone, check out reviews, ask about delivery times, and take the cost into account.
Along those same lines, a professional mentor can be the sounding board you need when you feel like giving up, you aren't sure how to handle a negative response to your work, or you need an objective listener as you try to untangle conflicting goals.
Be Committed
Finally, commit to being 100% invested in your new career path. This doesn't mean spending all of your time on your new job or business. On the contrary, when you are spending time with family and friends, keep your focus on them. When at work, though, you must remain energetic and motivated.
Once you've recognized your desire to make a career change, use your passion to make a strong start gathering research and experience to prepare yourself to start a new job or business. Along the way, be sure to celebrate your wins and become stronger by recognizing mistakes.
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