See Yourself As a Goddess
Photography by Kate Andreya // Washington, D.C.
I am a goddess.
If you're mumbling, "what makes her a goddess?!?", there is trauma that needs to be addressed (and needs healing). When we judge one another, we are usually condemning our own selves at the same time.
Society has caused a lot of harm and has created a lot of noise around who they believe you are and how you should act, look, be, etc.
See yourself as a goddess.
A whole, beautiful, brilliant, powerful, lovingly wise goddess.
When you recognize the goddessness within yourself, you will recognize the goddessness in others.
Goddesses do not condemn one another. We link arms and stand with one another as we move through life.
And when we disagree with one another (and that's ok), we communicate. We can also choose to set boundaries and disconnect energetically (and that's ok, too).
We radiate at all times. Feel the light within you beaming outwardly. Energy. Strength. Beauty. Power. Wisdom.
You are a goddess.
I see you. Xx