To CBD or Not To CBD?
Always consult with your physician before taking any new vitamins, supplements, and medications. Know what you’re taking and how it will affect your body.
We’ve seen CBD products popping up everywhere.
What is CBD? Is it legal? Can it make you high? Why would you take CBD? What products should people trust?
Let’s break things down, get the facts straight, and tell you which products I tried to come to my own conclusion.
What is CBD?
CBD is Cannabidiol. It’s a popular natural remedy used for many common ailments and is one of over 100 chemical compounds known as cannabinoids. CBD oil is made by extracting CBD from the cannabis plant, then diluting it with a carrier oil like coconut or hemp seed oil.
CBD will not make you high as it’s not psychoactive. Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is the main psychoactive cannabinoid found in cannabis (associated with marijuana). If you’re looking to get high, CBD is not what you’re seeking.
This quality makes CBD an appealing option for those who are looking for relief from pain and other symptoms without the mind-altering effects of marijuana or certain pharmaceutical drugs. It’s gaining momentum in the health and wellness world, with some scientific studies confirming it may ease symptoms of ailments like chronic pain and anxiety. (Source: Healthline)
CBD oil is becoming increasingly popular, is undergoing a lot of research, and attitudes are shifting on using CBD. It’s a substance with a lot of potential as it is a natural plant extract that has been used for wellness purposes for thousands of years, but its effectiveness depends on the quality and quantity of the CBD within the consumer products being considered.
CBD: Cannabidiol (via Harvard Health. Harvard University)
Why Try CBD?
The reasons why one would want to use CBD is similar to that of why we take vitamins, drink 1-2 cups of green tea a day for the beneficial antioxidants, eat dark chocolate (more antioxidants), etc. It’s a natural way to heal the body, aid it in functioning in “wellthy” ways, and is said to have many beneficial properties. Currently, there is a ton of ongoing research to help support the use of vitamins, CBD, antioxidant-rich foods/drinks, et al. I choose to use the most natural ingredients possible in anything I do to aid in my own health and healing.
According to Medical News Today, here are some benefits of using CBD:
1) Reduces inflammation and pain in arthritis
2) Reduces spasm, therefore reducing pain, in patients with Multiple Sclerosis
3) Reduces chronic pain
4) May help with the cessation of smoking and drug withdrawal
5) May help to treat those suffering from seizures and epilepsy
6) May help to reduce anxiety
7) May reduce some of the effects of Alzheimer’s Disease
8) May help the antipsychotic effects in those suffering from Schizophrenia
9) May help combat acne, diabetes, cancer, etc.
While the above points are not yet proven (nor are the benefits listed in vitamin and antioxidant use), I’ll tell you about my own personal experience.
My Own Experience
Disclaimer: I’m a “play it safe”, “don’t like to feel out of control”, “how much research has been done on this ingredient” type of person. I am very careful with what I use on my skin, ingest, and put into my body. I don’t even like to take Tylenol if I don’t have to, only take medications subscribed to me, and am well aware of what toxins can have on the body.
I chose to try CBD by Lifegiving Botanicals. There are so many products out there, but Lifegiving Botanicals offers an on-staff pharmacist which is important to me (just click on the green button on their website to access them). They also follow safe practices, encourages consumer education, and more. See my “Important Things To Consider” list below to understand why I believe this.
Lifegiving Botanicals also puts QR codes on all their labels so you can trust what is in every bottle, jar, dog treat, soft gel, face mask, etc. Trusting what products have in them is important! Know what you’re putting into your body.
Important Things To Consider
Consult with your doctor/health-care provider before taking CBD.
Why I chose to actually try CBD via Lifegiving Botanicals:
- THC-Free (will not get you “high”)
- No Harsh Chemicals
- Farm Bill Compliant
- Gluten-Free
- Broad Spectrum
- QR Code on every label
- Pharmacist Available on Website
- Money-Back Guarantee
-Premium Hemp Extract Face Mask
-Premium Hemp Extract +Melatonin for Sleep
-Premium Hemp Extract Salve
-Premium Hemp Extract Dog Chews (for my dog)
I want to use these sparingly and only give these to Gilligan when he’s feeling slightly anxious. He’s afraid of car rides, the sound of rainstorms, baths, strangers, you name it…
-Premium Hemp Extract “Serene Orchards” Gummies
-Premium Hemp Extract “Orange Mist” Tincture/Drops
-Premium Hemp Extract + Curcumin for Pain and Joint Relief
My own personal experience was a positive one! I tried 3 of the 6 products I received (I ordered 7 products total, but I obviously didn’t try the dog treats for myself). I definitely didn’t feel high and only felt drowsy/sleepy when I used the “Premium Hemp Extract +Melatonin for Sleep” capsules (well, duh). I am sure that, over time, I would have/will notice more effects. Keep reading to understand why I believe the salve and face mask are amazing…
I am a double-organ transplant recipient on immunosuppressive medications. I decided to pause the use of any CBD, just in case there’s any chance of it inhibiting the metabolization of my Tacrolimus (one of my immunosuppressants). My healthy friends got the thumbs-up from their healthcare providers to try these Lifegiving Botanical products before they began use.
Quality CBD products can be pricey, but suffering is even more costly. One of the positive things about Lifegiving Botanicals is their 30-day money-back guarantee. I didn’t return my products though. While I didn’t continue to use the products, I noticed they were so helpful. The sleep aid totally worked in helping me get to sleep more comfortably on Friday and Saturday night. The face mask felt amazing! It smelled lovely and made my skin feel soft/supple after use. I also felt that the salve made a huge difference! I strained my neck pretty badly on Saturday night, used the salve that night and the next morning, and was able to move around freely (without pain) at a wedding reception on Sunday night. So grateful!
I do not receive kickbacks nor payments from Lifegiving Botanicals, so I want you to understand that what I posted here is from my own personal research and experience. I’m not persuaded/swayed in any way to write this in favor of their products— I just trust their processes and quality of CBD and so many of you have been so curious (including me), so I hope you found my article and experience to be helpful.
To your health, always!