The GLOW Recipe
THE GLOW RECIPE: My recipe for success 💖
I'm a complicated person, but in a good way. My recipe for success is probably going to be different from yours, but that's ok because we have our own lives and our own dreams/goals. 🌟
My recipe is based on a feeling:
When I feel like I'm GLOWING, I feel like I'm in balance and rocking life.
Here's my GLOW RECIPE:
1️⃣Being Prepared: Getting my work done and doing my homework before I start something new.
2️⃣Grounding: Standing in my truth, deep breathing, intending to be the best version of me, understanding that I'm enough just as I am.
3️⃣Self-Care: Drinking enough water, giving myself time to gather my thoughts, eating as many nutrients as I can (and enjoying treats along the way), sleeping enough hours.
4️⃣Tribe: Surrounding myself with positive, high-vibing people (online and in-person--- it matters!)
How do you want to feel?
What makes you feel like you're rocking your day?
What's YOUR Glow Recipe?
Comment below! Let me know!
I know I wasn't born to be mediocre.
Neither were you.
Rock your paradoxes and keep on glowing, love! 💖
📍New York, New York
📆 July 2019
Liz Strom | espressofied
#glowing #glowup #rosewinemansion#rosemansion #newyorknewyork#nycgram #instatravel #travelgram#nycfun #nycpopup #levelup#liveyourlife #summergram#positivevibes #glowing #glowtogether#summervibes #lifetips #lifehacks#livinglife #youareenough #itgetsbetter#expressyourself #espressoyourself#espressofied