Self (Tender Loving) Care
“I want to love you (P-Y-T)
Pretty young thing!
You need some lovin' (T-L-C)
Tender lovin' care
And I'll take you there!”
(Rest in peace, Michael Jackson)
We really need to be singing this song to ourselves! Far too often, we take care of others and ignore our own personal needs. If we don’t refill our mind, body, and spirit… we can’t really fill others’ effectively either.
8 Benefits of Self-Care / Self-Love
-Increases productivity
-Boosts the immune system
-Improves self-compassion
-Enhances self-esteem
-Increases self-knowledge
-Your relationships with yourself deepens
-May slow down the signs of aging
-You’ll have more energy to give to others
Daria Shevtsova Photography
So… how do you take care of yourself?
I asked a group of friends to fill me on on how they take care of themselves.
Here’s what they said:
Allow myself the time and space to just breathe.
Facials + waxing w/ Rebekah at Pure Zen Esthetics, eating nutrient-dense foods when possible, music + singing out loud + dancing, me time, time with good friends, pedis, holistic health care
Meditation and exercise and Reading and naps and dancing
Naps, remembering to drink water instead of pop, and flowers for me once in a while!
Massages, exercise, trying to eat right, facials, staying hydrated
I veg sometimes and play a video game when I need a mental break
Go to the beach
Meditate and listen to meditation music, Dance ( Salsa is my favorite), starting Yoga ( Yay, so proud of myself for getting back into it ), time with friends and date nights with hubby, creating skincare products
Facials, mani’s, pedi’s...doing them yourself is therapeutic, and budget friendly
Catch up on Zzzz’s
Playing with my dog & hanging out with friends
Solo Vacation, secret chocolates, a new book
Prayer, time with family & girlfriends, exercise, travel, chocolate chip cookies and milk
(Another person seconded #15)
Jiu-Jitsu: It forces me to only think of the immediate problem and nothing else. It’s a workout, it’s therapeutic, and it clears your mind
My nails, self body exfoliation and oils, and down time with the tv and pets
I have a cleaning service that comes clean once every 2 weeks. That is taking care of myself (just like my husband rather spends 2 hours working than mowing the lawn, raking leaves/trimming trees).
Being forgiving of myself with positive self talk as I was doing any of the wonderful things listed above!!
Therapy, manicure, pedicure, long walks, CATS, barre and waxing the hoohoo
Spend time with caring, loving, supportive family and friends, cuddle with my dog, workout (cardio, weights, etc...), massages, pedicures, mindfulness, positive attitude, watch tv and movies
Country music, country concerts, great whiskey, spending time with my lady, my dog when she's not being extra needy, YouTube tech stuff related to Nvidia Shield, a good movie or TV show to catch up.
A cafe latte and a good book .... and I’m balanced again
Go on vacation, massage, run in the woods, turn off my phone
Meditate, write, workout, listen to uplifting/inspirational music, treat myself to some pampering (nails/massage), get or make some good ole comfort foods
Inspirational podcasts
I re-energize myself by spending some time alone. Sometimes it’s through meditation Sometimes it’s just listening to a few favorite tunes and tuning out the world. Sometimes it’s just going for a walk
Watching spy and anti terrorism series like 24
self care means organic facials and waxing from Pure Zen Esthetics , Yoga w/ One With Ebony, dance fit with Look.Feel.Live Premier Dance Fitness , and of course organic natural juicing, smoothies, a Buddha bowl or a cozy drink from Sweet Zen7 Health Bar & More
Nothing specific...Whatever I love to do just enjoy the moment
30 min quiet time in AM and PM. Have a rotating list of things I do (or dont do!) in that time
Quiet time to breathe deeply and decompress
Pampering, spa day, girl trips
Getting my legs waxed and a pedicure (makes me feel even more fresh!)
Going on long walks, even when I don’t feel like it, as I am always glad I did afterwards
Watching my favorite movies while chomping on veggies with hummus, and sipping on water, to make sure it’s all balanced out
Going for an acai berry bowl every few days to make sure I’m nourished
Taking my supplements with water in the mornings, walking, doing yoga once a week, and singing (I love singing)
Blogging. I love blogging!