Is Minimalist Living For You?
Minimalist Living is exactly as it sounds: Living With Less!
Is it possible to live in a minimalistic way?
This depends on your mindset. When hearing the word “minimal”, does it make you cringe? Do you immediately think of scarcity? Do you feel like you’d be getting rid of everything that ever mattered to you? Are you afraid that the bare minimum won’t be enough for you?
Or do you welcome the idea of “less is more”? Do you think to yourself, “Yes! Savings, less junk, just what I need is just what I need!”? Let’s dive deeper.
MINIMALISM (definitions)
-A style in which a small number of very simple things are used to create a particular effect.
-Belonging or relating to a style in art, design, and theatre that uses the smallest range of materials and colors possible.
-Living with less “stuff”, but experiencing life more.
Gain time to spend in personal relationships and self-development
Living in the moment becomes a real/tangible concept
Live by way of “experiences” and not “things”
Frees up time to pursue passions
Experience real freedom (from debt, depression, meaningless tasks, fear, overwhelm, etc.)
A clean/tidy home is good for one’s health
Less trash/waste (go green!)
Rids us of excess stuff
Financially rewarding (see below)
Minimalistic living can be financially rewarding. You can sell anything you don’t absolutely need, you wouldn’t spend on anything additional (decor, organizers, more clothing, more books, more accessories, etc.), and you’d save money over time.
The questions you’ll need to keep asking yourself are, “Do I really need this?”, “Does this bring real meaning to my life?”, and “Why do I need this?”.
Here are some ways to begin:
Sell/donate anything you’ve not used in the past 90 days.
Discard the duplicates.
Eat similar meals, buy food in bulk, and only buy what you’ll really eat.
Kitchen: Keep necessary plates (2-4), utensils (4-6), cups (2-4), bowls (2-4), pots / pans (1 of each), something to sit on while you eat, something to place your food on while you eat, and reusable fabrics (towel, washable napkins, sponge), and dish soap.
Bedroom: You’ll need a bed, blanket, sheets, pillow, light, and nightstand. Everything else is extra.
Living room: You’ll need something to sit on, light, and a table. You’re welcome.
Bathroom: Toilet paper, towel, soap, toothpaste, toothbrush, and shower curtain.
Downsize on the space you live in. Do you need a house? Or do you only require a condo now?
Great resources on how to live as a minimalist:
-Money under 30
-The Minimalists
-Be More With Less
The Minimalists | The Minimalists Open A Coffee Shop!
Let’s admit it, we have a LOT of STUFF.
Do you really need all the stuff? Here are some ways to declutter and clean it up:
Donate all shoes and clothing you’ve not worn in a year.
Toss/shred/recycle old papers, magazines, newspapers, greeting cards, etc.
Throw away old ketchup and soy sauce packets, and recycle the take-out plasticware.
Recycle shopping bags you’re not using.
Deep clean extra blankets and towels, and donate those to shelters.
Sell your perfectly-good, but never used kitchenware. Do you really need 82 glasses and 73 plates? How many pots do you really need? Are 2 blenders a must?
Sell containers you don’t often use (baskets, Tupperware, vases, charger plates, etc.).
Use those things you’ve been saving for a special occasion. Every day is a special occasion!
P&G Everyday