Boudoir Photography: Fun? Too sexy? Amazing?
a woman’s bedroom or private room”
Boudoir photography— bedroom photography. Taboo? Too sexy? Over credited? Worth it?
Many find boudoir photography intriguing, others think it’s “too sexy”, some are afraid to try, some think their bodies are not “good enough” to be photographed in an intimate way, etc.
I can understand why.
I’ve never considered myself as someone who has a photographic body, I have many scars, my skin is a constant work in progress, I was raised very conservatively but my heart is wide-open and serves me liberally. Over the years, I’ve seen boudoir photography and cheered those women on for going with the emotion they feel during the shoot. I decided I wanted to do a feminine photoshoot, but not in the way others were. I didn’t care to photograph myself on a bed in any one pose or another, and especially not in the nude. It’s just not me. I just didn’t want to be seen in this way.
Enter Kate Andreya
DC Photographer, Kate Andreya, is a highly-sought-after boudoir photography specialist in the Washington, D.C. area. The difference with Kate is that she takes an Intimate, not over-sexualized, approach in exploring femininity and admiring a woman’s body as an art form through photography. She says she photographs women as she would like to be photographed. She also offers different styles from which clients can choose to portray themselves.
I decided I was going to try the photoshoot with her… completely clothed. In OVERSIZED clothing. And I wasn’t going to try hard to pose.
My session with her was absolutely effortless. Kate guided me through the photography session, but all I really had to do was “pose a little” and “be myself a lot” (at ease, playful, whatever I was feeling at the moment). I showed up with my hair and makeup done, dressed in very loose/oversized clothing, sat on the floor comfortably, and we had an amazing shoot. No pushing, no pressure, just fun conversation with Kate as she photographed me from different angles.
What I didn’t realize is that Kate took the time to specifically, and stylistically, prepare for our shoot a month ahead of time. She styled the clothing, the lighting, the light-poses I could do during the shoot, which backdrop and lenses she would use, etc. After the session, she lightly edits the photos and sends them over as “proofs”. The photos were so amazing that I didn’t ask her to edit any further (see them below)! I loved them and that they’re exactly me. She captures her client’s personality, style, and mood so beautifully.
Now you see that boudoir photography doesn’t have to be just one style or another. It can be many things, given the way you desire to be photographed and who you hire to photograph you. If you’re considering boudoir/feminine portrait photography, make sure you do your reserach, find a photographer you’re comfortable with, and find work that echoes who you really are.
I highly recommend Kate for all types of feminine photography. She specializes in feminine portraits, boudoir, and brand photography.
IG: @kate_andreya