I Met JLo!
I met JLo (squeeeeeel)!!!
Yes, that’s Jennifer Lopez / Jenny from the Block!
Well, ok. She didn’t exactly shake my hand and say “Liz! It’s so nice to meet you!” when she walked into The Wing SoHo, but it felt like it. She looks right at you, smiles, starts talking, and you feel like you’re hanging out with your BFF (#bffgoals). Her energy is as dynamic as we believe it would be, she looked flawlessly stunning in her elegant sheath dress and noir pumps, and she’s just as Jenny-from-the-Block as she is vivaciously professional.
Side Note: I’m comfortable in my own skin, but at that very moment she stood in front of me, I realized I need to go workout (24/8). Ok, back to the subject at hand…
I sat in a reserved chair right in front of her, took a moment to get my star-dazed self together so I could really listen to her while she spoke to us about life, and that’s when the magic happened. I was so in tune with all that Jennifer Lopez said. I felt like standing up and yelling “PREACH” to each an every point brought to light, but I didn’t, because #respect. I could feel that everyone in the room felt like doing the same.
Big ups to Yari Blanco for being the most amazing interviewer ever!!!
Yari Blanco & Jennifer Lopez at The Wing
On Love and Relationships:
One word: TRIBE
“I see women working with other women, and I love that!” (@the-wing members. Woop woop!!!)
”I remember going through relationships and thinking, like, “Ugh, he’s this and he’s that, or he’s wrong”. It was always the other person. then I realized it was me. It was me! I had to figure out myself and I had figure out why I was making the choices I made… You have to love yourself.”
”I happen to have very amazing women in my life, and I always have, from when I was born with my mother, my grandmother, my aunts… to when I grew up to having very solid friends who I’ve had for now over 20-25 years. I’ve had the same core group of friends. That is the essential core. Men can come and go, but the women in your life are kind of your life partners!”
”You gotta love yourself! To me, that’s the biggest piece of wisdom. I’m trying to teach my daughter to love herself.”
On Her Kids, Emma & Max:
”They’re perfect!"
Jennifer Lopez filled us in and told us that her daughter, Emma, stars in the “Limitless” music video that JLo produced. “Mom, I can do this!”—- and, here we go! That’s JLo’s mini-me! “She’s perfect!”, exclaims JLo (and we all agree!).
Her son, Max, FaceTimed her while in our meeting together. She answers and it’s revealed that he doesn’t like his new buzz cut that he got while JLo was sitting with us. “Are you happy, baby? Just tell me you’re happy….”, and *click*! She passes the phone back to her mom, laughs, and says, “He hung up!”. She tells us what happened and confirms, “He couldn’t look wrong. He’s perfect!”.
On Her Mama:
Her mama sat in front of me, a few seats over to my right. SHE IS ALSO JUST AS STUNNING! She’s charismatic, has a stunning smile, and it was her birthday!
(Happy Birthday, Guadalupe!)
On Her Movie, “Second Act”:
JLo’s character, Maya, is a 40-year old woman struggling in her career (frustration and dealing with #ageism and #sexism). I kind of love that this is a comedy with JLo in it, because more people will be drawn to see this heart-warming holiday movie—- all the while, learning lessons about how people should/shouldn’t be treated.
Co-stars: Leah Remini, Vanessa Hudgins, Treat Williams, Milo Ventimiglia
The movie opens on December 20, 2018 in theatres world-wide.
Watched the movie? Let me know what you think in the comments below!
Her Co-Producer-Friend, Elaine Goldsmith-Thomas:
Elaine Goldsmith-Thomas manages Jennifer Lopez’ production company, Nuyorican Productions, and co-produced “Second Act” with her. She’s tall, has a fun + powerful energy, witty, and is more than close to JLo.
How close? Real friendship.
When she tried to remember what show she’s addicted to and couldn’t, a voice from behind me shouted “American Baking Show!”, Elaine looked at her and exclaims, “Yes! Oh! You’re Alex’s mom!”.
Yes, we’re talking “Alex” as in, “Alex Rodriguez”, as it “A-Rod”, as in JLo’s partner (now fiancé), as in, “Alex Rodriguez, the famous former professional baseball player with an oh-so-impressive career record, hottie-mctottie”.
His mom. Right behind me.
And Elaine recognized her immediately.
JLo and Elaine had to then leave for the Second Act premier, so we didn’t get to hear too much about much more—- but it was enough for us to witness the close and trusted bond the two have between them.
I’m excited to finally see Second Act, not only because JLo is in it and co-produced it, but because of how it empowers us all to speak/stand up for ourselves in the face of adversity.
Yes, JLo’s being in it has something to do with my desire to see it, too. #notgonnalie
I’m so very grateful to have been given the opportunity to meet/see Jennifer Lopez in person, especially since there weren’t 842,137,545,973,012 other fans screaming to see her in a stadium too.
A HUGE shout-out to The Wing for bringing her to SoHo, guiding me to a reserved seat, and for the real fun we had that day. Superstar staff, superstar visitors, & superstar accommodations! Thank you, @the-wing!
Don’t know what The Wing is?
The Wing is a network of work and community spaces designed for women (& non-binary individuals). Their locations are GORGEOUS! When I first joined The Wing, there were 3 newly-opened locations in New York: SoHo, Flatiron, and DUMBO (Brooklyn), with plans to open in DC within the month. I joined right before the DC location opened up in April 2018, and have enjoyed EVERY. SINGLE. MOMENT I’m there. Gorgeous co-work desk areas, sitting spaces, cafes, beauty rooms, candles + flowers, staff who know you by name, events galore, et al. You’ll have to check out a location! Ask for a tour! They’re now newly opened in San Francisco, about to open in LA + Boston, with many more plans ahead. Their professional, civic, economic, social advancement missions are stellar. #highlyrecommend
P.S. Want PROOF I was really there? That I wasn’t just using others’ pictures? Here you go! That’s Yari Blanco (the interviewer, in purple) in front of my cheesing face. :)