Modern Planters and Easy-To-Care-For Plants
Written by Cristina Martinez- décor addict and online interior designer.
Cristina helps people design their spaces to create a home that makes them happy! Check out her Design Services page to learn more. Feel free to reach out to her at
Photos provided by Cristina Isabel Design
Anyone else secretly want to be a Plant Lady/Plant Man? I love the texture and color that plants add to a space but I’ve been slow to dive into the plant world since I didn’t know how to care for them.
Well, in the past few weeks I’ve felt brave and have acquired a few live plants! Actually I have to thank my friend Nicole, who gifted me a little pothos plant that she grew from trimmings from her own plant and I’ve kept it alive for several months now! #winning
So let’s talk about easy plants.
Note: I was going to write “no-kill” plants, but honestly they are all killable, no matter how hardy they are. LOL!
I’ve recently learned about a few plants that are hard (harder) to kill so I decided to go for it. For those who want to learn more. Here are two different things that helped me learn a lot about plants recently:
Young House Love Podcast Episode 149: They invited someone who shared a lot of great tips on easy to care for plants.
Netflix show – Big Dreams, Small Spaces: This is either very embarrassing or very cool to admit, depending on your viewpoint LOL. So Carlos and I love the British interior design shows on Netflix (#designnerd – is that a thing??) and then we discovered this gardening one and it was really weird at first but then it was soothing (the music) and smart and we learned so much! So check it out if you want to learn a thing or two about plants, this is what made me feel confident about repotting my plants!!!
Ok, so here are the easy-to-care-for plants:
Click the links to shop on Amazon (you can also get them at your local nursery or Home Depot, but if you want them delivered to you, order here):
My Progress
Pothos plant: I’ve had the pothos plant my friend gave me for about 6 months. It’s doing great and it’s a really easy plant. I know it needs water when the leaves get droopy which is generally about once a week and I try to give it some sunlight for a few hours a day by putting it by a window. That’s it. I recently repotted this plant and actually separated it into two! See below:
Pothos plant moved from small terracotta planter to two new pots!
Snake plant: I got the snake plant in mid-November from Facebook Marketplace. “Happy I got to give it a new home and if I accidentally kill it, at least it already lived a life somewhere else…”— that was my reasoning. Happy to share that I’ve kept it alive – yay! It doesn’t need a lot of water. In the winter, it only needs water once a month so that’s pretty easy. And I just repotted it to a beautiful new pot and it’s looking good. Also, I’m pretty sure it grew a couple of inches – crazy!
ZZ Plant: This is my newest purchase along with a Draconia plant, both from Home Depot. I love the ZZ plant – if plants had personalities, this one is like chill but very good looking. The snake plant is, like, “I’m wild and ready to party btw”. The pothos plant is, like, “I’m reliable, I’m here for you”. Anyways, back to ZZ plant, it was already in great shape when I bought it so I kept it in its plastic planter, put that inside the big planter, and it seems happy. We water it about once a week. The Draconia plant is looking a little sad right now. I’m not sure if I bought a bad one or if it was me, so I’ll update on that one later. I need to give it some time to figure out if it’s going to live.
Modern Planters
I’ve been eyeing planters for my new baby plants and found some really nice modern ones on Amazon a while back. From this list, I bought number 4, number 5, number 6, and number 9. I love them all, but my two favorites are the hanging ceramic one (#6) and the black matte one (#9). The marble and gold ones look amazing but up close you can tell the pattern is printed on and looks a little funny. I would still recommend it though because it looks great. Shop with the links below!
Click the links below to shop!
Medium size handpainted white, blue, black and yellow planter – $39.99 (comes in large as well)
Medium team patterned planter – $26.87 (comes in large as well)
2 Matte black ceramic planter – $52.99 (comes in other colors/sizes)
Enjoy! If you decide to purchase any of these, tag me in your pictures! I can’t wait to see these in your home. Note: These are affiliate links for Amazon. When you purchase through these links, I get a small commission. It just helps keep me in business and doesn’t cost you anything extra. THANK YOU SO MUCH for helping to support my happy little business! :) -Cristina
Also, I’ll be rounding up some good artificial plants to add to your space soon as well!! Stay tuned!
Have a great day, friends!
P.S. Need some help choosing planters or adding live or artificial plants to your space? I’m happy to help! Schedule a free 15-minute call with me!